As a kind of jumped-up rehearsal of a couple of scenes, the cast visited the Lillian Booth Actors Home, in Englewood, NJ, on March 25th (still a month away from our first performance, yike!), our first attempt with an audience! Despite the challenge of a new space, and stage fright of course, everyone performed creditably, and we had relatively few trainwrecks, yay!! 🙂 Here are some photos:
Helen: Judy Tounsi. Menelaus: Julián Omar Morales. King Theoclymenus: Ryan Bogie. Stage Director (sitting on chair next to painting): Adriana Guerrero. Teucer: Blair Ahrendt. In Chorus (smiling): Chyanne Santana. Other Chorus members: Aminata Sy, Elissa Ditkowsky, Gillian Vana, Rajula Joshi, Blair Ahrendt. Blair and Elissa shown.